Rye Pier – Saturday 11th January

Divers: Ben, Daniel, Simon, Barb, Mel, Damian  & Mark

We have waited some time for summer to come, but now that it is here the weather has been fantastic, Saturday morning could not have been better, a little bit overcast, no wind and very very clear water. Although we were nice and early we still weren’t the first, Paul an old dive buddy of mine had finished his dive before we even arrived. But we were amongst the first in the water, we spent the first hour or so sorting out equipment, doing weight checks & practising some dive skills. A few Out of air scenarios and mask removals and it all comes flooded back, it surprising how just a few minutes under the pier before a dive helps keep dive skills up to speed. By the end of the day we are all happy that we have our selves sorted out for tomorrows boat dives.
