Standard Dress Dive, Flinders Pier - Sunday 27th March 2022

Standard Dress Dive, Flinders Pier – Sunday 27th March 2022

Divers:  Darren, Chris, Ian & Mark

Surface support: Warren

As always, when running Standard Dress dives, we attract quite an audience from the general public on the pier. Apart from the viz being a bit ordinary, the dive conditions were perfect, and the longer we stayed the better the viz got! Our course started on Saturday morning at the dive centre, with a run through of dive procedures & safety procedures. We then had a ‘dry dive’ ensuring that everyone was comfortable with the equipment and that we all had a good understanding of how to help dress in a diver and also what was required to supervise a Standard Dress dive. These are all requirements of receiving certifications as a Standard Dress diver a very sort after certification.





Dressing in a diver.

Completing the ‘Dry Dive’

On the bottom 🙂

Checking the equipment.

All good, let’s go diving.

Enjoying the dive.