Flinders Pier - Saturday 22nd February 2020

Flinders Pier – Saturday 22nd February 2020

Divers: Emma, Laura, Lochlann, Tom, Paul, Caroline & Mark
Surface support: Jason & Shawn

5-10 knots south easterlies made for some very nice dive conditions. The water was flat, the sun was shinning & the air temperature was about 23 degrees. The viz could have been better, although at 5 plus metres it was still very expectable. Every now & again some thing out of the ordinary happens on a dive that makes that particular dive some thing special. Today for some, that was seeing the Bull Ray at the end of the pier. For Emma & Laura it was finding the large octopus that normally lives inside the engine almost at the end of the pier. It wasn’t in the engine today instead it was about 10m out to the south of the pier, out in the open. The girls had a ring of excitement in their voices as they describe their encounter with the octopus.
