The Coogee – Saturday 17th December 2011

Visibility: 5m – 10m               Water Temperature: 21 Degrees

Divers: Chris Q, Chris G, Martin, Deon, Andy, Ian, Matt, Neil, Keith, Dave, Barb, Louise, Vikki

A beautiful day and calm water outside the heads with very little swell. We had all been really looking forward to diving this popular wreck (one of my favourite dives) and as we descended the water looked pretty clear……but as we descended deeper and deeper the visibility became more and more reduced. My ‘girl’ buddies and I swam along the wreck to the bow where we saw lots of ‘wreck’ fish as well as a Weedy Seadragon. The soft corals and marine growth on this wreck are quite spectacular .Because of the depth of this wreck we didn’t have enough time to explore the entire length of it ….so we
still have plenty more t see on our next dive on it.

Thanks to Deon for the photos
